Everyone would like to make a great impression on a first date. Sadly, some fail to succeed in that intent. Be it from the lack of compatibility with your potential partner or your manners, these hiccups are preventable, and shouldn't stop you from making your date thrilled to have met you.
For all those who were confused about why your date never called back, we collected a list of steps to take before and during the big day to make a great impression. Prepare yourself for the date of your life.
Plan Ahead
The first advice is the most obvious one. Set your schedule for the day to avoid stressing out whether you'll get it all in time. Think about how your clothes choice will affect the other person and if it's even that important.
Make sure your car is ready to hit the road, especially if you have a half-hour drive to your meeting place. In case you think you might get lucky on the first date, shop for condoms in advance (this applies for both sexes).
Lastly, try to relax to ease a bit of tension beforehand. Nobody likes to go out with an anxiety-driven and distressed person.
Make Yourself Presentable
It is awkward and rude to go out with someone you barely know and forgot to fulfill your basic hygiene needs. Take a shower, brush your teeth, and get ready. Pick clothes that suit your personality and the venue. If you go to a museum, avoid dressing like a schoolboy on a summer's day.
Caring for your hygiene and dressing appropriately not only puts you in an advantage to impress someone but makes you feel more comfortable with yourself. That's all that matters.
Arrive on Time
Most people hate those who are late. Do everything in your power to arrive on time if you you're usually late. If you're a girl, try to avoid painting your nails when you already have to be on your way.
If you're a guy, leave the tasks that aren't urgent and plan well. If your date has to wait for you, you appear to be unreliable, and he or she becomes impatient. Appreciate his or her time and arrive a few minutes early rather than a few minutes late.
Naturally, unforeseen circumstances can hinder your plans when you least expect them. However, more often than not, you can arrive on time. Also, make sure to take the 10 must-have items on a first date with you.
Avoid Giving Away Too Much
Being like an open book on a first date is risky. Think about it. What will your date have to look forward to on a second date?
Laying everything on the table will give a rather poor first impression, and you'll appear unexciting. Moreover, giving away much information about yourself is potentially dangerous. Keep certain things to yourself until you get to know the person enough to tell them your secrets and your fears.
Listen to What the Other Has to Say
A good listener often has excellent communication with the person speaking with. Why?
When you listen and when you are genuinely interested in what the other has to say, you'll understand them more, and they'll see you as more attractive. It's not only the looks that count.
Your Ex Has No Place in Your Current Date
The strain that your last relationship has left on your emotional and physical health should stay in the past. Your potential partner will rather listen to you talking about your life than the life of your ex.
It is true that with time, you will get the strength to talk about your wounds. However, first dates aren't the place to do that. Make a great impression by talking about your current self, your dreams, and your goals.
Include Interesting Questions into the Conversation
Topics such as relationships, work, and politics are fine as long as they aren't the only topics you two talk about. Ask your date if they like to travel, what is their favorite music, which movie they watched last, what kind of food they love and why; what was their first pet, etc.
Still, avoid over-questioning, so they don't feel like they're being interrogated. The conversation has to have a natural flow to it; try to stay focused on the topic and be curious about your date is talking about.
Try to Relax
First dates are incredibly stressful events to some people. As said, you can't entirely hide the signs of your anxiety. Nonetheless, you can turn them to your advantage and make fun of your stress-driven babbling.
If you feel comfortable with the person, just let them know that you're a bit stressed during the first date. Take a deep breath and try to relax.
How Do You Make a Great Impression on a First Date?
Most of us feel pressured to make a great impression on a first date, particularly if it's a blind date or we didn’t have the chance to get to know the person before. Luckily, you can take our word of advice and sweep your date off their feet.