10 items you must have on a first date - a guide for women

10 Must-Have Items on a First Date: A Guide for Women

Have you ever seen the bottom of a woman’s purse? Probably not. Don’t worry, neither did we. Her bag is like a magical world full of different items she can use for various occasions. If you’re a woman, you only need a few essential pieces in your bag. Especially if you’re going out on a date where you must pack light. Here are the ten must-have items a woman should bring on the first date.

1. Mints

Let’s presume you brushed your teeth before heading out to a rendezvous. It helps with the first impression and leaves a fresh scent in the air when you talk to your date. Even if you planned everything out and got ready ahead, your dinner choice might surprise you with hints of onion and garlic.

Taking a pack of mints or minty chewing gums can save you from the garlic breath from your main course. They take little space in your purse and are breath-savers and date-savers.

2. Bobby Pins

Although you can mostly find them scattered through your bedroom, bobby pins can come in handy when your hair decides to go crazy. Moreover, they can save your clothing if a hem comes undone. You can use it as a screwdriver, as well. However, there are other handy uses for bobby pins out there, so make sure you check them out.

3. Compact Mirror

The first date is a synonym with dressing up and putting on makeup, so you need a mirror to fix your makeup after a few hours of chatting. Okay, okay… some of you prefer not to have makeup on. Nonetheless, there are other things to look out for on your face and clothes, such as food stains. They are an inevitable part of your ramen or other slurpy foods’ menu.

A compact mirror is much better than your front-facing smartphone camera. Please do yourself a favor and take it with you on a first date.

4. Intimate Cleansing Wipes

Are you going on a date and it's that time of the month? Or what if the place you're out runs out of toilet paper. Or worse, you go back to the date's place and they just ran out of toilet paper! Or double worse, you hook up with your date and they don't have anything to clean with after sex? Best to keep some individually wrapped natural feminine wipes on hand so you're ready for any disastrous situation.

5. Hand Sanitizer

If you’re out and about on a daytime date, your hands will touch many things. Eating a hot dog sounds terrifying if you haven’t washed your hands the whole day.

Every door handle is full of germs, and every surface you potentially touch can make you sick, notably in the flu season. Prevent getting sick with a spray of hand sanitizer. Your body will be thankful.

6. Condoms

A while ago, it was the men’s job to have condoms in case the first date turns out to be more than you expected. However, caring about your sexual health isn’t exclusively a man’s concern. Show them you do care as well, buy condoms and take them with you on a first date. Just make sure to choose the condoms for most pleasure.

7. Perfume

The smell can leave a lasting imprint on another person. In fact, most people associate events from the past and people they know with specific scents. It’s why you need to put on a unique perfume on your first date and have a tiny bottle with you in case it wears off.

Despite the pleasant fragrance, try not to overdo it. A few dabs on your neck area will do the trick.

8. Cash

Every restaurant takes credit cards in this day and age, but having cash on hand is great when you need to tip the waiter. What’s more, cash makes it up for the unplanned expenses, such as buying popcorn at the movies or supporting a street performer. Lastly, it’s a good decision to take some with you for the “just in case” situations.   

9. Healing Balm

You can opt out from putting a lipstick, but your lips will get dry eventually. The safest way to keep your lips healthy is by using a healing balm. Let your date know how soft your lips are with a kiss at the end of the day.

Besides moisturizing your lips, a healing balm can also cure little cuts or dry skin on your hands. It usually comes in small tin cans, and you can fit it in your pocket if there’s no room left in the purse.

10. Smile

Lastly, make sure to always bring a smile on a first date. Never underestimate the power of a smile. Laughing is healthy and can captivate your date’s attention. Wear a smile, and everyone else will smile with you.

What Do You Have in Your Purse on a First Date?

We hope our list with the ten must-have items on a first date will help you decide what to take with you on a night of your life. Naturally, the contents of your purse will sometimes differ from the list, but make sure you have the essentials within reach.

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